Ex-Marine Joshua Cobb Charged After Online Threats To Kill White People


Joshua Cobb, a 23-year-old former Marine from New Jersey, has been charged after making threatening remarks online, including expressing intentions to kill white people.

Federal agents arrested Cobb on May 10 following an investigation into his online activities, which revealed alarming plans for a potential mass shooting targeting white individuals.

Details of the Threats

According to reports, Cobb posted messages online indicating his desire to kill “as many (white people) as I possibly can,” expressing a readiness to execute his plans.

During an interview with FBI agents, Cobb admitted to crafting the threatening messages and revealed his admiration for mass shooters, including a white teenager involved in a racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York, in May 2022.

The United States Attorney’s Office in New Jersey has charged Cobb with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce.

Cobb was expected to appear in Federal District Court on May 13 to face the charges. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison.

Further investigation into Cobb’s online activities uncovered additional disturbing notes on his phone, suggesting detailed plans for carrying out violent attacks.

These notes included references to acquiring weapons and targeting specific locations, such as a gym, a supermarket, and a Trenton suburb in New Jersey. Cobb also expressed aspirations of becoming a serial killer in his online messages.

Military Background and Discharge

Cobb enlisted in the Marines in 2023 and completed basic training before being scheduled for transfer to a military base in California.

However, he was discharged on May 10, coinciding with his arrest. During an interview at the base in April, Cobb provided detailed information about potential targets for his planned attack.

Potential Impact and Ongoing Investigation

Cobb’s case highlights the serious nature of online threats and the potential for violence. Law enforcement agencies continue to investigate the matter to ensure the safety of the public and prevent any further acts of violence.

The charges against Cobb underscore the legal consequences individuals may face for making threats and inciting violence, particularly in the digital realm.