Judge Denies Eminem Protection Order, Must Attend Court in Trademark Lawsuit Against Reality Stars


Despite his efforts to avoid personal attendance, rap icon Eminem has been denied a protection order by a court judge, mandating his presence in the ongoing trademark lawsuit against reality stars Gizelle Bryant and Robyn Dixon.

The legal battle revolves around Eminem’s opposition to Bryant and Dixon trademarking their podcast name, “Reasonably Shady,” which he argues infringes on his moniker, Slim Shady, trademarked since the 90s.

Eminem’s legal action prompted the reality stars to request a deposition to delve into the rapper’s use of the name in question.

Eminem contested the deposition motion, citing his limited knowledge of trademark law and the burdensome nature of attending court proceedings amidst ongoing projects.

He sought permission for his lawyer, Paul Rosenberg, to represent him instead. However, the court deemed his argument insufficient.

In the ruling denying Eminem’s protective order request, the court judge stated:

“Upon a careful review of the record… [Eminem] has not demonstrated good cause exists for a protective order.”

The judge highlighted that Eminem’s personal knowledge could lead to the discovery of relevant evidence, negating the need for his absence in court.

The denial sets the stage for Eminem’s required attendance in the lawsuit proceedings, signifying a significant development in the legal battle over trademark rights between the rap icon and the reality stars.