If you’re concerned about financing law school, don’t fret! Numerous scholarships can help cover the costs. Applying to as many as possible will boost your chances of receiving aid. At Barrier Breakers, we’ve put together a list of scholarships available this November to assist law school students in finding financial support. We hope this list…
Law school can be costly, and the expense might seem overwhelming to prospective students. However, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available to help alleviate this financial burden. While many scholarships may have already passed their deadlines, there are still new ones opening up that you can apply for. At Barrier Breakers®, Inc., we are committed…
As several scholarship opportunities have come close to their deadline, it can be quite overwhelming for those who seek financial assistance. Although some have reached the end of their scholarship deadlines, there are plenty of other scholarship opportunities that are especially specific to LGBTQ+, BIPOC and first-generation students that are still available to apply for!…
New data from the American Bar Association reveals disparities in scholarship distribution among law students based on race. According to the data, white law students, who constitute approximately 61% of the national pool of full-time law students, were awarded 70% of full-tuition scholarships offered by law schools this year. In contrast, students of color, representing…
As Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month begins this May, the importance of diversity and representation within the legal profession is increasingly apparent. For aspiring AAPI students with dreams of attending law school, access to financial resources can often be a determining factor in pursuing their educational and career goals. Fortunately, a range…
As the May scholarship deadlines rapidly approach and fresh opportunities arise, navigating the realm of financial aid can seem overwhelming. However, fear not, as we’re here to offer guidance. Especially for BIPOC and first-generation students, there are numerous resources available to alleviate the financial obstacles that may hinder their path to law school. At Barrier…
In the realm of financial assistance, myriad organizations extend their support to current and prospective law school students. Seizing the chance to apply for these scholarships broadens the horizons of financial aid available to you. With that in mind, we’ve meticulously compiled a catalog of scholarships offering financial assistance specifically with deadlines in April and…
The legal industry landscape has changed drastically over the last several decades. In 1960, women made up under four percent of students enrolled in law school. Today, women make up more than half of all enrolled in law schools. However, women remain underrepresented at large firms. Even with some setbacks, things are looking bright for…
ABSTRACT: This article outlines several scholarship opportunities for law students, emphasizing diversity, inclusion, and academic achievement. From foundations like USLAW NETWORK and Arnold & Porter to firms like Nelson Mullins and Devadoss, these scholarships offer financial aid ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. Requirements vary but generally include essays, transcripts, and proof of enrollment. Deadlines range…