In a moving tale of redemption, Carmen Allen Day’s journey from a troubled teenager to a prospective lawyer lends credence to the power of second chances in the legal system. Now 34 years old, Day graduated from Rutgers Law School in 2020, a feat made possible by the compassion of a judge who saw her…
In a groundbreaking achievement for judicial history, Judge Jasmine Twitty became the youngest judge ever to be appointed in the United States, assuming her role as an Associate Judge of the municipal court for the city of Easley, SC at the age of 25. Subsequently, she was appointed as a municipal judge and lead judicial…
Shequeena McKenzie, a 28-year-old trailblazer, has shattered barriers by becoming the first Black female judge in McComb, Mississippi, marking a historic moment for the city. “It was a surreal moment because I work hard, I have faith,” McKenzie expressed to WJTV. “The next thing you know, you start reaping the benefits of the things you…
In a heartwarming tale of love and perseverance, Robert Carter of Cincinnati, Ohio, has officially become the proud father of five siblings after adopting them on Oct. 30, 2020. The heartwarming story began when Carter, a 29-year-old cosmetologist and wig shop owner, decided to make a difference in the lives of children who, like him,…