In a tragic turn of events, 22-year-old Lauren Johansen was found dead and “mutilated” in her car at a Mississippi cemetery just days after her ex-boyfriend, Bricen Rivers, was released from jail in Nashville, Tennessee, without an ankle monitor. Despite her family’s vehement objections in court, Rivers, 23, was granted bond and subsequently targeted Johansen,…
Tennessee lawmakers have passed a controversial bill permitting school staff to carry concealed handguns, a move aimed at enhancing school safety in the wake of a deadly shooting in Nashville. The bill, which garnered support from legislators, requires school staff to undergo 40 hours of specialized training annually. Despite opposition and protests, the bill aligns…
A Tennessee judge is set to determine whether journals belonging to the Nashville school shooter should be made public records. The hearing, which spans two days, commenced with attorney Lora Fox arguing that certain writings found in the shooter’s car could be released to the public without impeding the ongoing investigation into the tragic incident…