If you’re concerned about financing law school, don’t fret! Numerous scholarships can help cover the costs. Applying to as many as possible will boost your chances of receiving aid. At Barrier Breakers, we’ve put together a list of scholarships available this November to assist law school students in finding financial support. We hope this list…
This year’s law school admission cycle kicks off with a strong start, showing a 26% increase in applicants for spots next fall compared to last year. Schools also report a 37% rise in the number of applications submitted. Although the Law School Admission Council, which develops the LSAT, anticipates a slowdown in this early surge—most…
If you’re concerned about paying for law school, don’t worry! There are many scholarships available to help alleviate the cost of law school. It is important to apply to many as you can to increase your chances of being awarded a scholarship. Here at Barrier Breakers, we want to help law school students find financial…
Law school can be costly, and the expense might seem overwhelming to prospective students. However, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available to help alleviate this financial burden. While many scholarships may have already passed their deadlines, there are still new ones opening up that you can apply for. At Barrier Breakers®, Inc., we are committed…
Pursuing a law degree while raising children is a unique and demanding challenge. As a parent, you’re not only managing the responsibilities of parenthood but also tackling the rigorous demands of law school applications. Having recently navigated a similar journey myself, balancing a PhD program with parenting two young children, I understand the complexities and…
Law schools will soon need to establish “minimum learning outcomes” for every class and ensure consistency across all sections of required courses. On Friday, the American Bar Association’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar adopted changes to its student learning outcomes standards, aiming to clarify the obligations of law…