Law Grads

  • Bar Exam Officials Offer Law Grads $1,500 To Beta Test Revised Exam

    Law school graduates typically spend over $1,000 to take the bar exam. However, this fall, they have an opportunity to profit from their study efforts. The National Conference of Bar Examiners will pay law grads $1,500 to test-drive the first full-length prototype of its NextGen Bar exam, the revamped version set to debut in July…

  • Good Times Won’t Last For Law Grads, Warns Job Tracking Group

    New law school graduates dominated the entry-level job market in 2023, achieving record-high employment rates and salaries, according to data from the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). However, NALP officials warned last week that subsequent classes are unlikely to repeat those strong numbers. The red-hot market for lawyer talent in 2022 and early 2023…