A tragic incident unfolded in West Palm Beach, Florida, last week when an 18-year-old woman, Kelvi McCray, was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend, 19-year-old Keisean Shaw, while she was on a FaceTime call with friends. Authorities believe Shaw then took his own life. The fatal shooting occurred on the evening of March 6 at…
In a recent article published by The Intercept, Natasha Lennard delves into the repercussions of the Florida GOP’s latest legislation targeting transgender individuals. Specifically, House Bill 1639, commonly known as the “trans erasure bill,” not only restricts accurate gender identification on state IDs but also mandates coverage of so-called “conversion therapy” by private health insurance…
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis finds himself at odds with the federal courts over the contentious “Stop WOKE Act,” a key component of his campaign against what he terms “woke ideology.”
Former President Donald Trump appeared in a Florida court on Friday amidst speculation about the timing of his criminal trial regarding alleged mishandling of classified documents.
The Florida Association of Black Chambers of Commerce (FABCC) hosted its third annual Black Chamber Day at the Capitol in Tallahassee, commencing on Feb. 5, 2024, with a vibrant reception and live band performance by Tallahassee Nights. The event continued on February 6th with a day of advocacy and education for attendees. With Florida ranking…