equal protection

  • Racial Justice, Reparations, and Civil Rights Rollbacks in Trump’s America

    Introduction Since his return to the Oval Office, President Donald J. Trump has enacted policies that have significantly impacted racial justice movements, particularly in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), reparations, and civil rights protections. His administration has actively worked to dismantle DEI programs in federal agencies, oppose discussions on reparations for slavery,…

  • Harvard’s Prof Dehlia Umunna Discusses Powell v. Alabama (Video)

    In the inaugural installment of “Cases in Brief” two years ago, Harvard Law Professor Dehlia Umunna delves into the landmark case Powell v. Alabama (1932), famously known as the “Scottsboro Boys” case. This pivotal case marked the U.S. Supreme Court’s seminal ruling, establishing defendants’ rights to adequate legal representation in capital cases under the 14th…

  • The Gay Rights Controversy: The Evolution of Gay Rights in America

    The issue of gay rights and the constitutional protection of homosexual conduct has long been a subject of contentious legal debate in the United States. Over the years, landmark Supreme Court decisions have shaped the legal framework surrounding this issue, leaving many questions unanswered and raising concerns about the treatment of individuals based on their…