
  • Man With Suspended License Faces Embarrassment After He’s Seen Driving During Zoom Court Hearing

    A Michigan man found himself at the center of embarrassment after a video of his Zoom court appearance went viral on social media. Corey Harris, 44, expressed deep humiliation after his courtroom blunder captured widespread attention online, admitting: “What was I thinking?” In an interview with WXYZ in Ann Arbor, Harris acknowledged feeling ashamed of…

  • Lawsuit Accuses Phoenix-Area Strip Clubs of Drugging Customers, Defrauding Them of $1.1 Million

    A series of lawsuits have been filed against strip clubs in Tempe and Scottsdale, alleging that customers were drugged and fraudulently charged over $1 million on their credit cards. The lawsuits, representing nearly 20 individuals, target several companies operating Skin Cabaret and Bones Cabaret in Scottsdale, along with Dream Palace in Tempe. These establishments, located…

  • Navigating Municipal Liability: A Case Study in Road Maintenance Standards

    Introduction In a legal battle that spanned years, one woman’s fight for justice shed light on the complexities of municipal liability and road maintenance standards. This case study delves into the journey of Patrizia, who sought recourse after a tragic accident on snow-covered roads in Milton, Ontario. Background Patrizia’s ordeal began on a snowy April…