Case Studies

  • Redefining Legal Boundaries: The Growing Role of State Standing in U.S. Supreme Court Cases

    In their legal case comment titled “Proper Parties, Proper Relief,” William Baude and Samuel L. Bray delve into the critical role of standing doctrine in contemporary U.S. law, particularly highlighted by recent cases at the United States Supreme Court. They examine various sources contributing to the centrality of standing, including procedural fusion, shifts in public…

  • Navigating Municipal Liability: A Case Study in Road Maintenance Standards

    Introduction In a legal battle that spanned years, one woman’s fight for justice shed light on the complexities of municipal liability and road maintenance standards. This case study delves into the journey of Patrizia, who sought recourse after a tragic accident on snow-covered roads in Milton, Ontario. Background Patrizia’s ordeal began on a snowy April…

  • 3 Cases Every First Year Law Student Should Know!

    No matter where you attend law school, there are particular subjects that everyone studies their first year: constitutional law, civil procedure, criminal law, torts, contracts, property law, and legal methodology. In these courses there are certain classic cases so well known, so fundamental and precedent-setting, that learning them is a rite of passage. That’s why…

  • Supreme Court Insight On The ‘Lawrence v. Texas’ Decision (LGBTQ+

    In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a historic ruling in Lawrence v. Texas, declaring laws criminalizing sodomy unconstitutional. This landmark case marked a significant victory for LGBTQ+ rights and privacy rights in America. The legal history surrounding laws against sexual acts not related to procreation stretches back centuries. Medieval English laws dating back to…

  • Hawkins v. McGee Case Summary (Contracts)

    Hawkins v. McGee, 84 N.H. 114, 146 A. 641 (1929), is a contract law case known to law students as the “Case of the Hairy Hand.” It is famous for its mention in the movie and novel “The Paper Chase” and is frequently taught in law school contracts courses. The question before the court was…

  • Civil Legal Aid Supports Federal Efforts To Help Prevent Domestic Violence

    The WH-LAIR Case Study below illustrates how civil legal aid supports federal efforts to serve the low-income and other vulnerable populations in various areas. It contain descriptions of common challenges faced by vulnerable populations, examples of federal responses to these challenges, and concrete examples of the ways in which civil legal aid meaningfully supports federal…

  • Landfill Closure and Redevelopment: Three Case Studies

    The case study delves into the often-overlooked aspect of landfill closure and post-closure use, mirroring the discussions surrounding urban redevelopment catalyzed by the Brownfields legislation. It explores the significant potential for positive reuse opportunities inherent in the proper closure and repurposing of solid waste landfills, particularly focusing on over 100 unlined landfills in Massachusetts. Through…