Trump-Appointed Judge Resigns Amid Scandal Over Misconduct Allegations

Judge Joshua Kindred,

A federal judge appointed by former President Donald Trump has resigned from his lifetime position in Alaska following a damning investigative report that uncovered serious misconduct.

Judge Joshua Kindred, appointed in 2020, stepped down after a Judicial Council investigation revealed he had lied about engaging in “sexual contact” with a former law clerk and made inappropriate comments in the workplace.

The Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit released findings that Judge Kindred created a hostile work environment for his clerks through offensive and abusive behavior.

This included a “sexualized relationship” with a law clerk during and after her clerkship, which Kindred initially denied.

The report detailed instances where Kindred made vulgar remarks, discussed personal matters inappropriately, and lied to investigative bodies despite clear evidence to the contrary.

The investigation also uncovered text messages where Judge Kindred joked about “punching multiple Supreme Court justices” and made other inappropriate comments about sex and substance use.

The Judicial Council concluded that Kindred’s conduct undermined the integrity of the judiciary and violated standards of judicial conduct.

In response to the report, the Judicial Council recommended a public reprimand for Kindred and urged him to resign voluntarily. Faced with mounting pressure, Kindred chose to step down rather than face impeachment proceedings.

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who supported Kindred’s nomination in 2020, had praised his qualifications at the time. However, the revelations from the investigation have raised serious questions about his fitness for judicial office.

Kindred’s resignation marks a significant fall from grace for the once-promising judge, whose tenure on the federal bench in Alaska has now ended amidst controversy and scrutiny.