Texas Wins Court Block On Biden Overtime Pay Rule

Texas Biden Overtime Pay Rule

A federal judge in Texas on Friday temporarily blocked a Biden administration rule that would extend mandatory overtime pay to 4 million salaried U.S. workers. U.S. District Judge Sean Jordan in Sherman, Texas, stated that the U.S. Department of Labor rule, set to take effect on Monday, improperly bases eligibility for overtime pay on workers’ wages rather than their job duties.

Jordan, appointed by Republican former President Donald Trump, blocked the Labor Department from applying the rule to state workers in Texas pending the outcome of a legal challenge by the Republican-led state. The Labor Department and the office of Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The department can seek review of the ruling in the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is widely regarded as the most conservative federal appeals court.

The rule, adopted in April, requires employers to pay overtime premiums to salaried workers who earn less than $1,128 per week, or about $58,600 per year, when they work more than 40 hours in a week. The current threshold of about $35,500 was set in 2019. Federal law exempts workers with “executive, administrative, and professional” (EAP) duties from receiving overtime pay, and the Labor Department has for decades used salary as one factor in deciding when that applies.

In adopting the rule, the department noted that lower-paid salaried workers often perform the same jobs as their hourly counterparts but work more hours for no additional pay. The rule also establishes automatic increases in the salary threshold every three years to reflect wage growth.

Texas, in its lawsuit, argued that the rule violates federal law by conditioning overtime exemptions primarily on workers’ pay rather than their duties and seeks to strike it down nationwide. Texas contends that subjecting states to the overtime expansion violates their right under the U.S. Constitution to structure the pay of state employees and, in turn, decide how to allocate large portions of their budgets.

Jordan agreed on Friday that the Labor Department had overstepped its authority by effectively rewriting federal law. “Since the ordinary meaning of the EAP Exemption focuses solely on duties, any rule implementing the EAP Exemption – including the 2024 Rule – must likewise center on duties,” the judge wrote. Jordan is also presiding over a challenge to the rule by business groups, and a small marketing firm is suing over the regulation in a different federal court in Texas.