Creditors Seek Contempt Charges Against Giuliani in Bankruptcy Case

Giuliani Should Be Disbarred

Attorneys representing Rudy Giuliani’s creditors in his bankruptcy proceedings have filed a motion requesting the court to hold the former New York City mayor in contempt and impose sanctions.

The motion alleges that Giuliani has repeatedly flouted court orders to produce essential financial documents related to his personal and business finances.

According to the motion filed by the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Giuliani, along with his associate Maria Ryan and his various businesses, has failed to comply with multiple requests for document production crucial for assessing his assets, liabilities, and overall financial status.

The committee argues that Giuliani’s non-compliance obstructs their investigation into his financial affairs, which is essential in the bankruptcy proceedings.

The motion underscores that Giuliani’s failure to provide these documents not only impedes the creditors’ ability to understand his financial situation but also violates court orders. The committee describes Giuliani’s financial disclosures as inadequate and accuses him of prioritizing delay tactics over transparency.

During a recent court hearing, Giuliani cited difficulties in retaining financial professionals and the illness of a part-time employee as reasons for his non-responsiveness, which the committee deemed insufficient.

In response to Giuliani’s continued non-compliance, the committee is urging the court to impose sanctions, potentially including daily fines, until Giuliani produces the requested documents. The committee also sought the appointment of a trustee to oversee Giuliani’s financial matters, citing concerns over alleged mismanagement and potential financial misconduct.

The next hearing in Giuliani’s bankruptcy case is scheduled for July 10, where further decisions regarding the committee’s motions are expected to be made.