Diddy Asks Judge To Dismiss One Of His Sexual Assault Lawsuits Due To Accuser Not Remembering Important Details


Diddy, the renowned rapper and entrepreneur, is pushing back against one of the multiple sexual assault lawsuits he’s facing, calling it a “false and hideous claim” and seeking its dismissal.

The lawsuit, filed by a woman known as Jane Doe, alleges that Diddy and two other men raped her at a recording studio in the 90s when she was just 17 years old.

According to reports, Diddy’s legal team is arguing that the lawsuit was filed too late under New York State laws.

While the alleged incident occurred almost three decades ago, Jane Doe was able to file the lawsuit under New York City’s Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law, which extends the deadline for filing.

In the new complaint, Diddy’s legal representatives contend that the lawsuit should be subject to New York State limitations, which would have expired by now.

They also point out that Jane Doe cannot recall the specific date of the alleged assault but remembers other details, which they find suspicious.

“Mr. Combs and his companies categorically deny Plaintiff’s decades-old tale against them, which has caused incalculable damage to their reputations and business standing before any evidence has been presented,” the filing states. “Plaintiff cannot allege what day or time of year the alleged incident occurred, but miraculously remembers other salacious details, despite her alleged incapacitated condition.”

The filing concludes by urging the court to dismiss the case with prejudice to prevent further harm to Diddy’s reputation and to conserve judicial resources.

Diddy, also known as Sean Combs, has vehemently denied the allegations and is actively fighting against the lawsuit, determined to clear his name.
