World’s First: France Enshrines Abortion as a Constitutional Right on International Women’s Day


France made history on International Women’s Day by becoming the first country in the world to enshrine the guaranteed right to abortion in its constitution.

The landmark event took place in Paris, where a diverse crowd gathered to witness the historic moment unfold.

The move marks a significant shift in France’s approach to reproductive rights, sending a powerful message of support to women globally.

The amendment ensures “the freedom of women to have recourse to an abortion, which is guaranteed,” making it a constitutional right.

The decision comes amidst a backdrop of global movements advocating for women’s rights, with marches, protests, and conferences held worldwide from Jakarta to Mexico City. In France, the event was hailed as the culmination of a long fight for freedom for women to choose what to do with their bodies.

French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking at the ceremony, emphasized the importance of the amendment, particularly in light of recent developments such as the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2022 rescinding long-held abortion rights.

He called for other countries to follow suit and proposed including the right to abortion in the European Union’s charter.

However, the move has not been without controversy, with critics questioning Macron’s motives and priorities.

Some argue that while the amendment is a step forward, it does not address the broader issues facing women in France, including access to healthcare and gender inequality.

Nevertheless, for many, the day marked a significant milestone in the fight for women’s rights. Lunise Marquis, a 44-year-old public relations director, described it as a “major milestone” and a message to the world.

As France makes history with this groundbreaking decision, it sets a precedent for other countries to prioritize and protect women’s reproductive rights. But it also highlights the ongoing challenges and inequalities that persist, both in France and around the world, reminding us that the fight for gender equality is far from over.