Donald Trump Is Not The First Trump To Be Arrested! His Dad Was Arrested Twice, Once At A KKK Riot


Former President Donald Trump has made headlines recently as he became the first US president to be charged with a crime.

However, revelations about his family history shed light on past arrests involving his father, Fred Trump.

1927 Arrest: Ku Klux Klan Riot, New York City

According to archived news reports, Fred Trump was arrested in 1927 during a Ku Klux Klan riot in Queens, New York. The riot occurred on Memorial Day when 1,000 Klansmen marched to protest the deaths of two Italian fascists in the city. Fred Trump was among seven men arrested during the clash between Klansmen and police, although his specific role in the riot remains unclear.

1976 Arrest: Housing Code Violations, Maryland

Fred Trump faced another arrest in 1976, this time in Maryland for housing code violations. Officials detained him after finding numerous violations at his property, Gregory Estates, including broken windows and defective rain gutters. Despite being a rare occurrence, Fred Trump was arrested and released on bond, returning to New York afterward.

Family Response and Denial

In response to the 1927 arrest report, Donald Trump denied the allegations, stating that his father was never arrested, charged, or convicted. However, archival evidence and reports suggest otherwise.

Implications for Trump

While these arrests don’t directly implicate Donald Trump, they provide insights into his family’s history and legal encounters. Fred Trump’s involvement in both a Ku Klux Klan riot and housing code violations adds a nuanced layer to the family’s background.

Legal Challenges for Donald Trump

Donald Trump currently faces 34 low-level felony counts related to falsifying business records. His upcoming court appearances coincide with the Republican primaries, setting the stage for a potentially contentious legal battle.

Historical Context

Although Donald Trump is the first US president to be charged with a crime, he is not the first to have encountered legal issues. Previous presidents, such as Ulysses S. Grant, have faced arrests, albeit for different reasons.

Response from Trump’s Camp

A representative for Donald Trump did not immediately respond to requests for comment on these revelations.

As Donald Trump navigates legal challenges, his family’s history of encounters with the law provides a backdrop to his own legal battles and political aspirations.