Second Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Trey Songz Dropped by Accusers


The lawsuit accusing Trey Songz of sexual assault and battery, filed by two women referred to as Jane Doe A and Jane Doe B, has been officially dropped.

This follows the recent dismissal of another sexual assault lawsuit against the singer, where a woman claimed he exposed her breast at a pool party.

As reported by Radar Online, the attorney representing Jane Doe A and Jane Doe B filed to dismiss the complaint against Trey without prejudice, indicating that they retain the option to re-file the complaint at a later time.

In the lawsuit, the women alleged that in 2015, while attending a party at Trey Songz’s residence and under the influence of alcohol, they fell asleep. Upon waking up, they claimed Trey Songz was on top of them, attempting to force himself on them.

One of the victims asserted that she resisted his advances, but Trey Songz persisted.

Additionally, they accused him of asking them to take a shower together, and when they declined, he allegedly became angry and ejected them from his house.

It remains uncertain whether Jane Doe A and Jane Doe B will pursue this case again in the future.