Snoop Dogg and Master P Take Legal Action Against Walmart and Post, Alleging Sabotage of Their Cereal Brand


Snoop Dogg and Master P, iconic figures in the rap industry, have taken legal action against retail giant Walmart and food manufacturer Post Consumer Brands.

The rappers are alleging deliberate attempts to undermine their cereal product’s success.

The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, and spanning 34 pages, accuses Walmart and Post of intentionally sidelining their cereal, Snoop Cereal, by concealing it in stockrooms and failing to make it readily available to customers.

According to the lawsuit, Snoop Dogg and Master P established Broadus Foods in 2022 to promote diversity in the food industry and provide opportunities for minority-owned brands.

Despite initially partnering with Post Consumer Brands to produce and distribute Snoop Cereal, the rappers contend that Post reneged on their agreement and instead attempted to stifle competition by limiting the cereal’s visibility in stores.

The lawsuit alleges that Post, under the guise of collaboration, sought to undermine Broadus Foods’ objectives and prevent Snoop Cereal from gaining traction in the market.

Walmart, one of the largest retailers in the U.S., is accused of complicity in this scheme by withholding the product from shelves and misrepresenting its availability to consumers.

Claiming financial losses and reputational damage, Snoop Dogg and Master P are seeking damages exceeding $50,000, along with additional relief to be determined by the court.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, representing the rappers, wants people to appreciating the broader significance of the case, highlighting the challenges faced by minority-owned businesses in securing equitable opportunities in the marketplace.

In response to the lawsuit, Walmart stated its commitment to supporting entrepreneurs but cited various factors affecting product sales, including consumer demand and seasonality.

Post Consumer Brands, on the other hand, cited insufficient consumer interest in Snoop Cereal despite substantial investments in the business.

During a news conference, Master P underscored the importance of the lawsuit in advocating for fair treatment of minority-owned companies, signaling a commitment to effecting change in the industry alongside Snoop Dogg.

“Change is coming … and it’s going to start with [me and Snoop],” Master P said.

The legal battle represents a concerted effort by the rappers to address systemic inequities and ensure equal opportunities for marginalized businesses.