Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer

  • Legal Case Study: The Limits of Executive Orders in the United States

    Introduction Executive orders are directives issued by the President of the United States to manage operations of the federal government. While they are a powerful tool for presidential action, their limits are often tested in the courts, particularly when they conflict with constitutional principles, statutory law, or the separation of powers. During his first week…

  • Redefining Legal Boundaries: The Growing Role of State Standing in U.S. Supreme Court Cases

    In their legal case comment titled “Proper Parties, Proper Relief,” William Baude and Samuel L. Bray delve into the critical role of standing doctrine in contemporary U.S. law, particularly highlighted by recent cases at the United States Supreme Court. They examine various sources contributing to the centrality of standing, including procedural fusion, shifts in public…