trial testimony

  • Black Lives Matter Activist Loses Lawsuit Against LAPD Over ‘Swatting’ Incident Response

    Melina Abdullah, a leading Black Lives Matter activist and co-founder of BLM-LA, lost her lawsuit on Thursday against the Los Angeles Police Department regarding their response to hoax “swatting” calls that resulted in an armed police presence at her home. Abdullah, who is also a professor at Cal State LA, filed the lawsuit following two…

  • Trump’s Hush Money Trial Nears Conclusion Amid Intense Grilling Of Michael Cohen

    As Donald Trump’s hush money trial approaches its final stages, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen faced rigorous questioning on Monday, May, 20, 2024. This will mark the prosecution’s last attempt to solidify their case before the defense takes the floor. The highly publicized trial, unfolding in Manhattan, has centered on Cohen’s pivotal testimony, which directly…

  • Prosecutors Delve Deeper into Trump’s Inner Circle as Hush Money Trial Progresses

    As the hush money trial involving former President Donald Trump enters its third week, prosecutors are intensifying their focus on individuals within Trump’s close circle. The latest testimony, provided by Hope Hicks, sheds light on pivotal moments during the 2016 campaign, including the release of a damaging recording that surfaced shortly before the election. Hicks,…