
  • How The Law Caught Up With 6 Former Mississippi Law Officers Who Tortured 2 Black Men

    Six former Mississippi law enforcement officers, who admitted to subjecting Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker to racially motivated torture, are awaiting sentencing by a federal judge starting Tuesday. U.S. District Judge Tom Lee will preside over the proceedings, with two defendants scheduled for sentencing each day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. These officers…

  • In UK, 3 People Have Been Sentenced To Life For Torture Murder Of Mother Two, Shakira Spencer

    Three individuals have been sentenced to jail terms of at least 34 years each for the horrific murder of Shakira Spencer, a mother-of-two from west London. The Old Bailey heard how Spencer, aged 35, endured a campaign of cruelty and humiliation at the hands of Ashana Studholme, Lisa Richardson, and Shaun Pendlebury. The trio, who…