Sibongile Mani, a student at Walter Sisulu University (WSU) in South Africa, found herself in an extraordinary predicament when an astonishing sum of nearly $1,000,000 was mistakenly deposited into her bank account. Accustomed to relying on modest benefits to support her studies, Mani typically received around $100 monthly for essential expenses. However, one morning, Mani…
A South Carolina man received a reduced sentence after pleading guilty to having sex and prostituting hundreds of Black girls. The Atlanta Black Star reports that Jason Roger Pope, also known as “DJ Kidd” pleaded guilty to five counts of sex trafficking of a minor, five counts of criminal sexual conduct, and three counts of…
An appeals court has overturned the conviction of former DeKalb County police officer Robert “Chip” Olsen, who was previously found guilty of several charges for fatally shooting a naked and unarmed military veteran, Anthony Hill. The incident occurred on March 9, 2015, when Olsen responded to a call about Hill behaving erratically at an apartment…