ocial media giant X became accessible to some Brazilian users on Wednesday, just one day after the country’s Supreme Court allowed Elon Musk’s platform to resume operations for complying with court rulings. Brazil’s telecommunications regulator, Anatel, announced that it has started instructing internet providers to restore access to X. By Wednesday, many users reported being…
Brazil’s Supreme Court has ordered Elon Musk’s X to stop bypassing a previous ruling that suspended the social media platform in the country. If X fails to comply, it faces a daily fine of 5 million reais ($921,726.95), according to a decision issued late on Wednesday. X became accessible to many users in Brazil on…
Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes lifted freezes on Starlink and X bank accounts after transferring 18.35 million reais ($3.3 million) from those accounts to the national treasury. The court issued this lift after determining that the transferred amount satisfied the fines X owed to Brazil, resulting from a dispute between Elon Musk and…