In an unusual turn of events, a burglary suspect in Florida allegedly sought help from a police officer after a failed attempt at breaking into a home. Terry Jennings of Pompano Beach, Florida, was apprehended on April 29 by authorities from the Coconut Creek Police Department. Reports suggest that Jennings approached a parked police car,…
In a concerted effort to safeguard individual rights amidst the expanding use of artificial intelligence (AI), five additional federal agencies have pledged to uphold principles of fairness and equality alongside the Justice Department. The Justice Department revealed on April 4, 2024, that an extended coalition of cabinet-level federal agencies has committed to preserving fundamental civil…
Jose Alejandro Zuñiga Cano, a resident of Lima, Peru, faced his first court appearance March 29 in Miami federal court following his extradition to the United States. The 40-year-old stands accused of orchestrating a large-scale fraud and extortion scheme involving Peruvian call centers that preyed on Spanish-speaking individuals in the United States. Zuñiga’s arrest on…
The United States has issued a stern warning to West African country Ghana, suggesting that it may consider limiting foreign aid if President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo approves a new bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ activities. Ghana’s Parliament recently passed legislation that could impose prison sentences of up to three years for identifying as LGBTQ+ and five…