Family Of Black Girls Handcuffed By Police And Held At Gunpoint Reach $1.9 Million Settlement


In a case that sparked nationwide outrage, the family of Black girls who were handcuffed by police and held at gunpoint has reached a $1.9 million settlement with city officials in Aurora, Colorado.

The incident, which occurred in 2021, involved Brittney Gilliam and her daughters, who were mistakenly detained by police officers who believed the car they were in was stolen.

The girls, including Gilliam’s 6-year-old daughter Lovely, were ordered to lay facedown in a parking lot while officers pointed guns at them and handcuffed them.

The settlement comes after a lawsuit was filed by the family’s attorney, David Lane, alleging “profound and systematic” racism within the Aurora Police Department.

Despite an investigation finding no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the officers, prosecutors deemed the incident “unacceptable and preventable.”

This settlement is the latest in a series of payouts by the city of Aurora over police misconduct. In 2021, the city settled for $15 million with the parents of Elijah McClain, a Black man who died after being placed in a neck hold and injected with a sedative by police officers.

Gilliam’s attorney, David Lane, hopes that the settlement sends a message to law enforcement nationwide about the importance of using discretion and common sense in their actions.

He cited a similar case in Texas where a Black family was held at gunpoint by police after being mistakenly identified as driving a stolen car.

The traumatic encounter with police left Gilliam and her daughters deeply affected, with Lovely experiencing behavioral changes and Gilliam herself struggling with anger and feelings of helplessness.

However, Gilliam’s perspective shifted after the birth of her youngest daughter, prompting her to focus on healing rather than anger.

The settlement represents a step towards justice for the family, but also underscores the ongoing challenges of racial bias and police accountability in the United States.