California Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Assaulting Police During January 6 Capitol Riot

David Nicholas Dempsey

A California man, David Nicholas Dempsey, has been sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for his violent actions against police officers during the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The sentence was handed down by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday, marking one of the most severe penalties issued to date in connection with the Capitol riot.

Dempsey was initially indicted on Sept. 9, 2021, on 11 counts, including charges of disruptive conduct in a restricted building, obstruction of official proceedings, and multiple assaults on police officers.

He later entered a plea agreement on Sept. 19, 2023, admitting guilt to two counts of assaulting police with dangerous weapons.

According to court documents, Dempsey traveled from California to Washington, D.C., with two accomplices, arriving on the morning of Jan. 6.

Before the attack, Dempsey made inflammatory remarks in front of a set of gallows erected near the Capitol, calling for the execution of political leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama.

During the riot, Dempsey was seen climbing over other rioters to reach the front lines, where he assaulted police officers with various objects, including pepper spray and metal crutches.

Prosecutors detailed how Dempsey, along with another rioter, pepper-sprayed an officer, causing severe respiratory distress. Dempsey also struck an officer in the head with a crutch, breaking the officer’s gas mask shield and causing him to collapse.

In its sentencing memorandum, the prosecution emphasized Dempsey’s extensive criminal history, including prior convictions for burglary, drug trafficking, evasion of law enforcement, and assault with burning chemicals.

The prosecution also highlighted Dempsey’s history of violence at political protests, though he had not been formally charged for those incidents.

Given the gravity of Dempsey’s actions during the Capitol riot and his prior criminal record, the prosecution recommended a sentence of approximately 22 years in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, $2,000 in restitution, and a $200 fine.

The court ultimately imposed a slightly shorter prison term of 20 years but upheld the recommended supervised release period and financial penalties.

Dempsey’s sentencing is part of a broader effort by federal authorities to hold accountable those involved in the January 6 insurrection.

According to the Associated Press, more than 1,400 individuals have been charged with federal crimes related to the Capitol attack, with over 900 convicted and sentenced, including several receiving prison terms as long as 22 years.