Trump Backs Calls To Let States Decide Abortion Rights

Former President Donald Trump asserted that individual states, rather than implementing a nationwide ban, should decide on abortion rights.

This announcement, made on Monday, reflects a departure from the desires of many within his own Republican Party, who had hoped for Trump’s endorsement of a nationwide ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Trump aligns with the view that states should determine abortion policies, a position that has gained traction since the U.S.

Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 2022.

Since then, abortion has become a highly polarizing issue, with various states enacting measures to either restrict or protect abortion rights.

The former president’s declaration has sparked criticism from both liberal and conservative circles.

Trump emphasized that he takes pride in his role in the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, achieved through the appointment of three conservative justices during his presidency.

He acknowledged that this approach would create a patchwork of abortion laws across states, with varying regulations on the number of weeks into pregnancy abortions would be allowed.

Trump on States Abortion Rights

Trump clarified that his support for state-level determination of abortion policies stems from his belief in the importance of respecting the will of the people, whether influenced by personal convictions, religious beliefs, or societal norms. He also reiterated his support for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk.

IVF Comments

In addition to addressing abortion, Trump expressed support for fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), referencing a recent Alabama court ruling related to reproductive rights.

However, he also made unsubstantiated claims about the abortion stance of national Democratic leaders, alleging a radical position that includes “execution after birth.”

The abortion issue has proven to be politically fraught for Trump and his party since the Supreme Court’s decision in 2022. Voters, particularly those angered by the ruling, have demonstrated support for Democratic candidates and measures aimed at preserving abortion access.

Democrats have seized on this momentum, using the issue as a rallying point for the upcoming elections.

In response to Trump’s statement, President Joe Biden’s campaign swiftly shared Trump’s admission of pride in ending Roe v. Wade. Biden characterized Trump’s actions as creating chaos and speculated that Trump would support a federal abortion ban proposed by congressional Republicans if re-elected.

Biden reaffirmed his commitment to universal access to abortion and pledged to work towards federal legislation aligned with the principles of Roe.


Conservative reaction to Trump’s message has been mixed. Some, including former Vice President Mike Pence, criticized Trump’s position as a betrayal of the pro-life movement.

Others disagreed with Trump’s assertion that the decision-making power regarding abortion policy should lie with states rather than the federal government.

The debate over abortion rights continues to evolve, with states like Florida becoming focal points for political showdowns.

Recent developments in Florida, including a state supreme court ruling upholding a six-week abortion ban and a forthcoming referendum on abortion rights protection in the state constitution, underscore the high stakes involved in this issue.

As the abortion debate intensifies, Trump’s statement represents a pivotal moment in shaping the trajectory of reproductive rights policy in the United States, with implications for the upcoming elections and beyond.