If you’re concerned about financing law school, don’t fret! Numerous scholarships can help cover the costs. Applying to as many as possible will boost your chances of receiving aid. At Barrier Breakers, we’ve put together a list of scholarships available this November to assist law school students in finding financial support.
- Dr. J. Clay Smith, Jr. Diversity in the Legal Profession Scholarship: In hopes to promote diversity in the legal profession, the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association awards $15,000 to a first-year law student. The Foundation celebrates Dr. J.Clay Smith Jr’s legacy of encouraging racial and ethnic minorities to apply for the scholarship! Applicants must submit an online application, personal essay, two letters of recommendation by November 1.
- Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. 2024 Academic Scholarship: Friedman & Simon, L.L.P created a scholarship to help younger generations on their journey to law school. They are awarding one devoted student a $1,500 scholarship to support their college education. To apply, applicants must submit an essay answering prompt on contributions and accomplishments for the future. Deadline to apply is November 1.
- 2024 Boyk Law Veteran Scholarship: To support law school students who have served in the Armed Forces or is a child of a US Veteran, Charles E.Boyk Law Offices, LLC is awarding a student $2,000 scholarship. Students must submit a resume, an essay, and a college transcript by November 11.
- Lucas Law Legal Leaders Scholarship: Lucas Law offers a $1000 scholarship each semester to one student who demonstrates dedication and efforts to succeed in the legal community. To lessen any financial burden, this scholarship is meant to support the student’s educational expenses. Applicants must maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher, submit an essay and more documents by November 18.
- OCWLA Foundation Bar & Diversity Bar Stipend Award: To support law students and law school graduates, OCWLA awards two scholarships of $1000 to an individual of a diverse background, culture and ethnic community, sexual or gender identity or under any marginalized identities, who has displayed commitment to advance women’s issues, community service or work on diversity issues. Deadline is November 20.
- Schwartz Injury Law Perseverance Scholarship: Schwartz Injury Law understands the difficulty and challenges that their clients have faced. With that, they want to help students who have overcome a severe injury or medical issue to support their higher education expenses. Application requires an essay answering a prompt on how they overcame their medical issue and how it has prepared you for the future. Must submit by November 25.
- Auger & Auger Disabled Scholar Award: Auger & Auger Attorneys at Law represent families who are experiencing great impacts on injuries or disabilities. As a personal injury law firm, they know the strength and perseverance that families carry so they are offering a $1000 scholarship to disabled students, assisting the cost of their education. To submit, you must answer a prompt relating your disability and include documents to determine your eligibility. Students must apply by November 30 for the Spring semester award.
We hope this list of scholarship opportunities supports your journey to success in law school! If you need any support on your scholarship essays, check out this blog: What to Avoid in Your Law School Scholarship Essays, to get you started! Pursuing these options can greatly ease financial burdens. The more you apply to, the better the chance of your receiving an award!