Woman Who Married Herself Now Files for Divorce: A Unique Legal Case

Suellen Carey

In a remarkable and unconventional legal case, Suellen Carey, a 36-year-old Brazilian influencer and model, has filed for divorce from herself just one year after her self-marriage ceremony in London.

This unique situation has captured public interest and generated widespread discussion on social media.

Last year, Carey gained international fame for her decision to marry herself, a move she described as a declaration of self-love and independence.

The self-marriage, initially celebrated as a bold and empowering choice, was seen as a novel response to challenges in the dating scene.

However, Carey has now taken a surprising turn by seeking to end her self-marriage. Despite engaging in solo couples therapy in an attempt to salvage the relationship, Carey concluded that the marriage was not viable.

She reported feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction, which led her to the difficult decision to seek a divorce from herself.

In a candid interview, Carey reflected on the experience, highlighting the pressures and expectations involved in maintaining a relationship with oneself.

She acknowledged that the process of self-analysis and reflection, while valuable, also brought significant emotional strain.

“Self-analysis and reflection are necessary,” Carey stated, underlining the importance of recognizing when to end a cycle, even in a personal relationship.