Hamptons Restaurant Faces Racial Profiling Allegations After Woman Claims She Was Moved for Having ‘Hair Too Big’

Rachel Tucker

Rachel Tucker, a Black woman visiting the upscale Hamptons restaurant 75 Main, has alleged racial profiling after being asked to move tables because her hair was deemed “too big.”

Tucker, who was dining with friends, claims restaurant owner Zach Erdem forced her to change seats following complaints from a white family seated nearby, leading to a public confrontation over discrimination.

The incident, which Tucker’s attorney, James Walker, has described as “racial profiling,” unfolded when Tucker and her group sat down to dine.

Within minutes, Tucker says Erdem approached her and explained that her hair was obstructing the view of the guests behind her.

“We have to move you because your hair is too big, and it’s in the way of the table behind you,” Tucker recalled to The Shade Room Investigates.

She described feeling humiliated, particularly because she had never experienced an issue during prior visits to the restaurant.

Tucker’s group, which included white friends, was relocated to a less desirable table near a DJ booth where they struggled to hear.

The party was eventually moved outside. Out of frustration, Tucker only ordered a drink, while her friends ordered full meals. She informed the server that due to the inconvenience, she wouldn’t pay her bill.

However, after a back-and-forth with the staff and threats that police would be called if she refused payment, Tucker reluctantly settled the bill and left.

Erdem, the owner of 75 Main and a star on HBO, denied making comments about Tucker’s hair.

In his statement to The Shade Room, Erdem said the complaint was based on Tucker’s hair being close to the party behind her when she leaned back. He also denied any racial bias, claiming he has Black colleagues and girlfriends.

“I’m always with the Black people,” Erdem said.

To resolve the situation, he reportedly directed the restaurant staff to cancel Tucker’s payment after the incident, hoping it would “make her happy.”

Attorney James Walker, who is representing Tucker, has called the situation racially motivated. He is seeking a public apology from the restaurant and demanding that 75 Main’s staff undergo sensitivity training.

“You can’t treat people like this simply because you want to,” Walker stated, stressing the need to address the emotional trauma caused by the discriminatory treatment.

According to Walker, the incident constitutes a violation of civil rights under anti-discrimination laws.

Erdem has expressed a willingness to issue a public apology and provide sensitivity training for his employees.