Judge Greg Mathis Fights to Save His 39-Year Marriage Amid Divorce Proceedings

Judge Greg Mathis and Wife Linda

Judge Greg Mathis, a well-known television personality and former district court judge, is currently facing one of the most challenging times in his personal life.

His wife of 39 years, Linda Mathis, has filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for their separation.

The couple, who had been together since July 17, now finds their relationship at a critical juncture.

In a candid interview with TMZ at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Judge Mathis opened up about his deep regret over the situation and his desire to reconcile with his wife. He made it clear that divorce is not what he wants and that he is actively working to win Linda back.

Despite their separation, they continue to share the same home, and Mathis is hopeful that they can resolve their differences and restore their marriage.

Judge Mathis acknowledged that his successful career in the legal and entertainment industries may have contributed to the strain on their marriage.

He admitted that during the years he focused on his professional life, he may not have prioritized his wife as much as he should have.

Mathis offered advice to other men, stating the importance of making their partners feel valued and prioritized, regardless of career demands.

The ongoing divorce proceedings have also brought renewed attention to past rumors about infidelity, which Mathis addressed directly.

He firmly denied these allegations, stating that he has remained faithful to Linda throughout their marriage. Mathis explained that while their relationship has had its challenges, he has always been committed to his wife and is determined to work through their current difficulties.

Linda Mathis officially filed for divorce on Aug. 22, 2024, marking a significant turning point in their nearly four-decade-long marriage.

While the news has shocked many of Judge Mathis’ fans, he remains optimistic that this is not the end of their relationship.

He is committed to showing Linda that their marriage is worth saving and is willing to put in the effort to overcome the obstacles they face.

Judge Mathis’ journey from a troubled upbringing to becoming a respected figure in the legal and entertainment worlds has been marked by remarkable success.

His television show, “Judge Mathis,” has been a staple in American households for years, earning him a dedicated fan base. However, this personal struggle serves as a reminder that even those who appear to have it all are not immune to the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship.

Judge Mathis remains focused on healing his relationship with Linda and demonstrating that their marriage is worth the fight.