Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown Threatens Legal Action Against Donald Trump Over Helicopter Claim

Willie Brown

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is considering legal action against Donald Trump following a story the former president told about an alleged near-death helicopter ride involving Brown.

The former mayor firmly denies ever being in a helicopter with Trump and expressed frustration over the fabricated account, suggesting it was part of a broader attempt by Trump to discredit Vice President Kamala Harris.

Brown, in an interview with CBS News, warned that if Trump continues spreading falsehoods, he may take legal steps.

“If he keeps it up, at some point, I’m going to give him a taste of his own conduct,” Brown stated. He hinted at a potential defamation suit, adding, “If he sues The New York Times for printing that I said he lied, I’m going to sue him.”

The controversy erupted after Trump claimed during a recent interview that he once shared a helicopter ride with Brown and that the two feared they might crash.

Trump made the statement while discussing Brown’s past relationship with Kamala Harris, saying:

“I know Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this was the end.”

However, the incident described by Trump never happened, according to Brown.

He insists that no such flight took place and that Trump is fabricating the story as part of a deliberate effort to attack Harris, whom Brown dated in the 1990s.

“Not on a helicopter and not off a helicopter. Didn’t happen,” Brown asserted. He characterized Trump’s comments as “a deliberate misrepresentation for his benefit” aimed at discrediting Harris.

Speculation arose that Trump may have confused Brown with another political figure. Former California Governor Jerry Brown, who toured wildfire damage with Trump in 2018, was initially considered a possible source of Trump’s confusion, though no helicopter incident was reported during that visit.

Further complicating the narrative, former California state senator Nate Holden came forward, claiming that he was the one who accompanied Trump on a helicopter in 1990, an incident in which the aircraft nearly crashed.

Holden humorously pointed out the distinction between himself and Willie Brown, noting, “Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco. I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.”

Brown is particularly concerned that Trump’s false claims could harm his reputation and, by extension, the legacy of Vice President Harris.

He spoke about his strong friendship with Harris, saying he would “absolutely” pursue legal action if necessary to protect both his own name and Harris’s standing.

As of now, Trump’s campaign has not responded to requests for comment, according to CBS News.

Whether this escalating dispute will lead to a formal lawsuit remains to be seen, but Brown’s comments suggest he is ready to take action if Trump continues to peddle what he deems deliberate falsehoods.