What Is Project 2025? Law School Grad Breaks Down Sinister Far-Right Blueprint For the U.S.


A young attorney and social media activist, known as Daria Rose on Instagram and TikTok, has garnered significant attention with her detailed explanation of Project 2025, a far-right plan for the United States.

In a video posted on her social media handles (@darilynmonrosee), the law school graduate described the 920-page document published by The Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank, as terrifying.

“Project 2025 dates back to 1973, when the Heritage Foundation, a very powerful conservative think tank based in Washington D.C., was founded,” she explained. “They are the writers and the architects of Project 2025, and their main mission and goal is to move America to a more far-right Christian nationalist state. They originally came to prominence when they wrote their first manifesto in 1981, titled ‘Mandate for Leadership.’”

According to Daria, the policies espoused in the ‘Mandate for Leadership’ were significantly implemented during the Reagan administration, with around 60% of the 2,000 proposals written in the manifesto being adopted.

Now, they have returned with a new edition known as Project 2025, which is intended to provide guidance for the next Republican president.

The extensive document is divided into four main pillars: Policy, Personnel, Training, and Playbook.

The Policy pillar is represented by the 900-page book itself. The Personnel pillar involves creating a conservative database akin to LinkedIn, but specifically for loyalists. The Training pillar includes an online educational system called the Presidential Administration Academy, where their views and ideologies are taught in courses. The Playbook pillar outlines a detailed action plan for implementing their agenda.

Some of the most concerning items on Project 2025’s wish list, should Donald Trump return as President of the United States, include:

  • Complete ban on abortions (pages 450-503)
  • Elimination of the Department of Education and denial of federal funding to schools that require vaccine or mask mandates (page 319)
  • Elimination of the Head Start program (page 482)
  • Dismantling of the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, along with the Department of Justice (page 133)
  • Outlawing the production and distribution of corn (page 5)
  • Reversing policies allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military and ending public funding for transgender surgeries and abortions for service members (page 104)

Furthermore, the plan includes ending birthright citizenship, banning African-American and gender studies at all levels of education, eliminating DEI programs, getting rid of gay marriage, and ending the Affordable Care Act.

It also proposes the mass deportation of immigrants and a plan to round up illegal migrants and place them in camps.

One of the most troubling aspects of Project 2025 is the move to reclassify federal workers under what is known as Schedule F.

This would convert many merit-based positions into political appointments, allowing the president to replace career civil servants with loyalists.

This reclassification could significantly impact the functioning of federal agencies by placing unqualified loyalists in critical positions.

Daria stressed the implications of this plan:

“Under Schedule F, DJT could take a scientist at the FDA, fire him, and then replace him with, let’s say, a scientist who wouldn’t give clearance to birth control or the abortion pill, therefore making it illegal and inaccessible without having to go through the courts or Congress.”

While Donald Trump has publicly distanced himself from Project 2025, at least 26 authors and individuals associated with the project served in his previous administration.

The president of the Heritage Foundation has called Project 2025 the new American Revolution, indicating the significant changes it could bring to the country.

Daria Rose’s breakdown of Project 2025 has sparked widespread discussion and concern about the future direction of U.S. policies and governance should this blueprint be implemented.