Woman Files Lawsuit Against MGM Grand Over $127,000 Jackpot Dispute

Denise Ezell

Denise Ezell, a Detroit resident, has initiated legal proceedings against MGM Casinos following their refusal to pay out a $127,000 jackpot she won while playing progressive blackjack at her local MGM Grand in October 2023.

The conflict arose when the casino alleged that Ezell was trespassing due to a previous incident in 2015, a claim vehemently denied by Ezell.

Speaking to the Detroit Free Press, Ezell, 65, described the moment of winning the straight flush jackpot amidst cheers, only to be informed by a pit boss that her winnings would not be honored and she was to leave the premises immediately.

“I left with nothing,” Ezell lamented. “If I was trespassing, why did they let me gamble for eight years?”

According to Ezell and her attorney, Ivan Land, the alleged ban originated from a misunderstanding in 2015, when Ezell was wrongly accused of panhandling and temporarily escorted out.

She asserts she was never officially notified of any ban.

Despite her efforts to resolve the matter directly with the casino, including promises from sympathetic staff that the issue would be addressed, Ezell faced repeated obstacles.

Frustrated by the lack of resolution, she opted to pursue legal action.

In addition to seeking the $127,000 jackpot, Ezell is requesting $75,000 in damages.

“When I lose, no one asks for my ID or name,” Ezell pointed out. “But when I win, suddenly there are accusations and barriers.”

The lawsuit underscores significant issues surrounding casino patron rights and obligations, particularly concerning bans and prize payouts.

MGM Casinos has not publicly responded to the lawsuit at this time.