Los Angeles County Places 66 Probation Officers on Leave for Misconduct


It has emerged that over the past five months, the LA County Probation Department has placed 66 officers — assigned to both adult and juvenile operations — on administrative leave.

This due to alleged offenses including excessive force, sexual abuse, and drug possession.

The department says it’s trying to “regain public trust”, adding it is committed to addressing misconduct within the nation’s largest probation agency, which employs 2,800 sworn officers.

“We are disclosing this information to enhance transparency and reassure our stakeholders, particularly the families of youths in our juvenile facilities, that we will not tolerate any behavior that undermines our mission to create a safe, supportive, and structured environment for those under our supervision,” stated Probation Chief Guillermo Viera Rosa.

The probation officers placed on leave since Jan. 1, 2024, were serving in both adult and juvenile operations within the department.

Among the 66 officers cited, 39 faced allegations of general misconduct, encompassing suspected use of excessive force, child endangerment or abuse, possession of contraband, and negligent supervision.

Additionally, 18 officers were placed on leave due to suspected sexual misconduct, while nine faced unrelated arrests outside of their employment.