Teens Claim They Were Abused For Decades By Probation Officers, Now They Are Seek Justice

LA County Probation Dept

After years of alleged sexual abuse by probation officers, teenage survivors are now seeking justice, shedding light on a long history of systemic abuse within the Los Angeles County Probation Department.

Several former teenage detainees of the Los Angeles County Probation Department have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse by probation officers, sparking a legal battle against the department.

Reanell Hartley, Akeila Jefferson, and Dominique Anderson, among others, have filed lawsuits against LA County, recounting their harrowing experiences of abuse during their time in juvenile facilities.

Hartley, who was locked up in Camp Scott during the early 2000s, alleges that she was repeatedly sexually abused by Probation Officer Thomas Jackson.

Similarly, Jefferson, who also spent time at Camp Scott, claims she was sexually abused by Jackson, who had been promoted to acting director of the facility. Anderson, who was sent to Central Juvenile Hall in Los Angeles, alleges that Probation Officer Ernest Walker sexually exploited her, paying her for sexual favors.

The abuse allegations shed light on a larger pattern of misconduct within the LA County Probation Department. The department has faced scrutiny for decades, with reports of systemic abuse and unsafe conditions in juvenile halls and camps.

Despite investigations by the Department of Justice and media exposés, the alleged abuse persisted, with some accused officers remaining on the job.

In response to the lawsuits, LA County Probation has emphasized its commitment to addressing allegations of sexual misconduct and ensuring the safety of youth in its care.

However, the survivors are seeking accountability and justice for the trauma they endured. They hope that by sharing their stories, they can prevent others from experiencing similar abuse in the future.

Legal experts predict the state may payout between $1.6 billion and $3 billion to resolve more than 2,500 claims of abuse, some which were allegedly sexual.

As the legal battle unfolds, the survivors remain determined to hold the department accountable for its failures.

While they continue to seek justice, they also strive to rebuild their lives and advocate for systemic reforms to prevent further harm to vulnerable youth in the juvenile justice system.