TV Personality La La Anthony Launches Program Providing Legal Aid and Job Training for Young Incarcerated Men

La La Anthony

La La Anthony, well-known for her roles in the entertainment industry, has launched a program aimed at providing legal services to young incarcerated men.

The initiative, spearheaded by Anthony and her nonprofit organization ThreeSixty, seeks to offer essential support to those navigating the complexities of the legal system.

According to the ThreeSixty website, the program is designed to offer a range of legal services, including connecting individuals with lawyers and representing them in court proceedings.

Additionally, the initiative features workshops focusing on resume-building, job training, and life skills development.

In a recent interview, Anthony shared the transformative impact of the program, citing the example of an individual who, after being mentored by ThreeSixty following his release from Rikers Island, secured a full scholarship to Columbia University.

Reflecting on the success stories, Anthony expressed her admiration for the resilience and potential of the young men involved.

“It’s really amazing to see that when you take them out of jail and put them in the right environment, with the right opportunities and love and support, incredible things can happen,” Anthony remarked during an interview with People.

Central to Anthony’s mission is her deep understanding of the challenges faced by incarcerated youth.

“At this age they are still so young,” Anthony observed. “When you talk to them, especially if you have your own kids, you just become so much more compassionate. It feels like any one of our kids could be one bad decision away from being in a similar situation.”

The overarching goal of Anthony’s program and ThreeSixty is to ensure successful reentry into society for incarcerated individuals, with a particular focus on assisting them in securing employment.

To facilitate this transition, ThreeSixty has partnered with Reform Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming probation and parole systems, offering job fairs and employment opportunities.

“We want them to be prepared with certain skills so they can really get out there and back into life and into the workforce after release,” Anthony explained.

In addition to legal assistance and job training, ThreeSixty offers a range of support services, including mental health support, leadership programs, and enrichment activities, underscoring the organization’s commitment to holistic rehabilitation.

Through her advocacy and philanthropy, La La Anthony continues to champion the rights and dignity of marginalized communities, offering hope and opportunities for a brighter future.