Suspended Judge, Melissa Boyd, Tenders In Her Resignation

Melisa Boyd

Suspended Shelby County Judge Melissa Boyd has opted to resign from her position amid ongoing legal troubles.

Boyd’s decision comes as she faces criminal charges and a revoked bond, marking the latest development in a tumultuous journey that began with her suspension last year over alleged drug use.

The resignation letter, submitted by one of Boyd’s attorneys and dated March 29, 2024, follows closely after her bond was revoked by Judge Roy Morgan.

This move comes as Boyd grapples with criminal charges, including witness coercion and harassment, stemming from her alleged drug-related activities.

Boyd’s legal woes escalated in December when she faced criminal charges and was directed to undergo treatment for her drug use at an inpatient facility.

However, her post-treatment period has been marred by reports of a “full relapse,” with prosecutors and her defense team confirming multiple instances of positive drug tests for cocaine and alcohol within a month.

As of March 27, Boyd has been in custody, further complicating her legal predicament. The resignation letter sets an effective date of May 31, 2024, signaling Boyd’s formal departure from the bench.

The timing of Boyd’s resignation coincides with an upcoming decision by the state legislature regarding her elected judge seat.

Scheduled for Thursday, this vote will determine the future of Boyd’s position in light of her legal and ethical challenges.