Michael Jackson’s Son Seeks to Prevent Grandmother’s Legal Battle Over Estate Funds


In a legal battle unfolding within the realm of Michael Jackson’s estate, Blanket Jackson, the youngest son of the late pop icon, is taking a stand to prevent his own grandmother, Katherine Jackson, from utilizing estate funds for what he deems an unnecessary lawsuit.

Reports from TMZ reveal that Blanket Jackson has petitioned a judge to intervene and halt Katherine Jackson’s efforts to pursue a legal appeal against a previous ruling related to the estate’s business affairs.

The dispute arose when Blanket and Katherine united to challenge the executors of Michael Jackson’s estate over a business transaction, purportedly involving the sale of Michael’s catalog for $600 million, a move they opposed.

Despite their appeal, the initial legal challenge did not swing in their favor, with the judge ruling against their objections and seemingly closing the case.

However, Katherine Jackson persisted, filing an appeal against the judge’s ruling, a move that Blanket Jackson strongly opposes.

In court documents obtained by TMZ, Blanket asserts his stance, expressing his belief that Katherine’s appeal is unlikely to succeed and deeming the legal battle as futile.

As the heir to Michael Jackson’s estate, Blanket is concerned about the potential wastage of his father’s funds on legal fees for a lawsuit he perceives as unwarranted.

Blanket Jackson’s concern holds merit primarily due to his status as the heir to Michael Jackson’s estate. With significant financial assets tied to the estate, Blanket has a vested interest in ensuring that funds are utilized judiciously and in alignment with the best interests of the estate.

Blanket’s objection to his grandmother pursuing a legal battle stems from the potential mismanagement of estate funds.

He contends that the legal battle she seeks to pursue is unnecessary and futile, and thus, would result in the wasteful expenditure of his father’s estate.

Furthermore, Blanket’s stance is bolstered by the court’s previous ruling against Katherine Jackson’s appeal. Given the judicial determination that the transaction in question is permissible, Blanket argues that pursuing further legal action would be fruitless and could incur substantial legal fees.

Ultimately, Blanket’s concern reflects a prudent approach to estate management, aiming to safeguard the financial interests of the estate and ensure responsible stewardship of Michael Jackson’s legacy.

With the judge yet to render a decision on Blanket’s plea to block Katherine’s legal pursuit, the future of this legal saga remains uncertain, leaving the fate of Michael Jackson’s estate hanging in the balance.

Stay tuned for further developments as this story unfolds.