LSAT to Drop Logic Games Section Starting August 2024, Here’s What You Need To Know


In a significant shift, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) has announced the removal of the analytical reasoning section, commonly known as logic games, from the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) starting August 2024.

This change replaces the section with a second logical reasoning segment, marking a departure from the traditional format.

The decision comes after years of anticipation following a legal settlement in 2019, where the LSAC agreed to eliminate logic games due to claims of unfairness to visually impaired test-takers.

The reliance on visuospatial concepts in setting up logic games posed challenges for these individuals.

Contrary to speculation suggesting the introduction of new logic game scenarios, the LSAC opted for a simpler adjustment by adding a second logical reasoning section.

This change aims to maintain the overall difficulty level of the LSAT while addressing concerns about fairness and accessibility.

The revised LSAT format will consist of two logical reasoning sections, one reading comprehension section, and an unscored experimental section, which could include either logical reasoning or reading comprehension.

This shift harkens back to the pre-pandemic LSAT format, which featured two scored logical reasoning sections alongside other sections such as reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and an experimental segment.

Impact on Law School Applicants

While the removal of logic games may initially appear to ease the test’s difficulty, its implications for future law school applicants are multifaceted.

Logic games, although requiring intensive preparation, represent a unique challenge for test-takers compared to other standardized test sections. The focus on analytical skills specific to the LSAT necessitates dedicated practice and often drives demand for LSAT preparation resources, from courses to books and apps.

The absence of logic games may level the playing field for applicants, as other sections of the test are more familiar and easier to practice without extensive resources.

Considerations for Test-Takers

For prospective test-takers, the decision of whether to take the LSAT before or after the change depends on individual circumstances and preparedness.

Those confident in their logic game abilities may opt to take the LSAT before August 2024, utilizing upcoming test dates in January, February, April, and June 2024. However, applicants who have not begun LSAT preparation may find it advantageous to wait for the revised format.

Moreover, individuals from STEM backgrounds or non-native English speakers may find the logic games section comparatively easier and may consider alternatives like the GRE after August 2024.

Regardless of timing, thorough preparation remains essential, with test-takers advised to allocate ample time for practice and review to maximize their performance on the LSAT.

The LSAT’s evolution underscores the ongoing efforts to ensure fairness and accessibility in standardized testing, reflecting broader trends in education and assessment methodologies.