U.S. Warns of Possible Aid Restrictions to Ghana After Passing Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill


The United States has issued a stern warning to West African country Ghana, suggesting that it may consider limiting foreign aid if President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo approves a new bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ activities.

Ghana’s Parliament recently passed legislation that could impose prison sentences of up to three years for identifying as LGBTQ+ and five years for forming or supporting LGBTQ+ organizations.

Speaking on behalf of the U.S. State Department, spokesperson Matt Miller expressed grave concerns about the potential repercussions of the bill.

He emphasized that the enactment of such legislation could adversely affect foreign investment and tourism in Ghana, similar to the chilling effect experienced by Uganda after passing a comparable law.

Miller underscored that the U.S. has communicated its strong opposition to the bill both publicly and in private discussions with the Ghanaian government. He suggested that should the bill become law, it may impact U.S. assistance to the country.

President Akufo-Addo has indicated a willingness to sign the bill if it aligns with the majority opinion of Ghanaians.

However, the potential impact of the legislation on U.S. aid, which totaled over $211 million in fiscal year 2022, remains uncertain.

While many African nations already criminalize same-sex relationships, recent legislative trends across the continent have sought to reinforce these laws.

Ghanaian parliamentarian Sam George, the bill’s sponsorer, celebrated its passage as a defense of national values.

However, the proposed legislation has drawn swift condemnation from the United States, echoing similar criticism directed at Uganda for its harsher anti-LGBTQ+ measures.

State Department spokesperson Matt Miller reiterated Ghana’s tradition of tolerance and respect for human rights, expressing concern that the bill could undermine these fundamental values.

International human rights organization Amnesty International has urged President Akufo-Addo not to sign the bill, emphasizing the importance of upholding the human rights of all individuals.

Amnesty’s country director for Ghana, Genevieve Partington, condemned the legislation, citing reports of rights violations against LGBTQ+ individuals since the bill’s introduction in parliament.