Swedish Politician Sparked Debate With A Wild Proposal for Paid Sex Breaks in the Workplace


Per-Erik Muskos, a councillor in the small Swedish town of Overtornea, stirred controversy in 2017 with his proposal to allow municipal employees a one-hour paid break during the workday for sexual activity.

Muskos believes that fostering better relationships among employees is worth the investment of time and resources.

The proposal, which was part of a broader effort to address declining birth rates and improve residents’ quality of life, would grant the town’s 550 workers the opportunity to spend time with their spouses or partners during the workday.

Muskos argued at the time that the initiative not only promotes procreation but also enhances overall well-being, especially for women who juggle numerous responsibilities.

His proposal grabbed international news headlines and was carried by major news networks.

However, the town’s council subsequently rejected Muskos’s proposal, citing concerns about subsidizing personal activities and the potential precedent it would set.

Per-Erik Muskos

The council emphasized that if sexual intercourse were to be subsidized, then other personal activities such as cleaning or gardening should also be considered for compensation.

Despite the rejection, Muskos said he remains undeterred, emphasizing the health benefits of sexual activity and its potential to strengthen relationships.

He believes that improving residents’ quality of life could make the town more attractive to young people, stemming the outflow of youth from the area.