Mother Sues Mississippi City and Officers Over 10-Year-Old Son’s Public Urination Arrest


A mother from Senatobia, Mississippi, has filed a lawsuit against the city and involved officers after her 10-year-old son, Quantavious, was arrested for public urination last August.

The lawsuit, brought forth by Latonya Eason in federal court, highlights a distressing incident that has sparked allegations of racial bias and excessive policing.

According to their attorney, Carlos Moore, the incident unfolded when Quantavious, unable to find a restroom, discreetly urinated near his mother’s car.

Initially confronted by one officer, the situation escalated when Officer Zachary Jenkins arrived with additional colleagues, leading to Quantavious’ arrest and detention for an hour.

The family contends that the arrest was racially motivated, asserting that Quantavious would not have been arrested if he were white.

Despite the case being dismissed in December, the family claims enduring physical and emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and shock.

Attorney Carlos Moore stresses that the lawsuit seeks more than just compensation for the family but aims to prompt accountability and systemic change within law enforcement practices.

By holding the city, police chief, and officers accountable, they hope to send a clear message against such unacceptable behavior, especially when it concerns vulnerable populations like children.

The lawsuit represents a pursuit of justice for Quantavious and a demand for dignity and respect in police interactions with citizens, regardless of age or background.