In UK, 3 People Have Been Sentenced To Life For Torture Murder Of Mother Two, Shakira Spencer


Three individuals have been sentenced to jail terms of at least 34 years each for the horrific murder of Shakira Spencer, a mother-of-two from west London.

The Old Bailey heard how Spencer, aged 35, endured a campaign of cruelty and humiliation at the hands of Ashana Studholme, Lisa Richardson, and Shaun Pendlebury.

The trio, who were found guilty in December 2023, subjected Spencer to a “wholly exceptional” level of violence, according to Judge Angela Rafferty.

L-R: Shaun Pendlebury, Ashana Studholme and Lisa Richardson were only concerned for themselves, the judge said.

They filmed footage of their abuse towards Spencer in the weeks leading up to her death, indicating their enjoyment of the violence inflicted upon her.

During a sentencing hearing attended by members of Spencer’s family, the court learned of the brutal acts committed against her.

Over a weekend in September 2022, Spencer was subjected to boiling water poured over her, use of a blowtorch with a lighter and spray can, and severe beatings around the head with a blunt object.

Following these final sustained attacks, Spencer was left to die in her Ealing home, where her body was later discovered decomposing on a bunk bed.

Judge Rafferty condemned the defendants’ lack of empathy and remorse, stating that they had shown no responsibility and continued to blame each other.

Addressing Studholme specifically, the judge described her as aggressive, dominant, and manipulative, taking full advantage of Spencer’s vulnerability.

Spencer’s family expressed their profound grief and heartbreak, with her son unable to say goodbye to his mother and haunted by the thought of her dying alone and unloved.

In her statement, Spencer’s mother likened the defendants to a pack of animals, emphasizing the dehumanizing treatment Spencer endured at their hands.

The defendants were handed life sentences with Judge Rafferty cautioning them that they may never be released, emphasizing the irreparable harm they caused to Spencer and her family.