OpenAI Moves To Dismiss New York Times Suit, Claiming ‘Hack’

The New York Times Co. filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, alleging copyright infringement.

The Times accused OpenAI of utilizing its content to develop AI tools, diverting traffic from the Times’ website.

OpenAI responded by moving to dismiss parts of the case, citing the age of certain allegations and lack of specific knowledge of infringements.

OpenAI contended that ChatGPT is not a substitute for a Times subscription, emphasizing that its products aren’t used in this manner. While OpenAI acknowledged the copying claim, it disputed the Times’ assertion of tardiness in bringing the infringement claim.

Ian Crosby, lead counsel for the Times, noted OpenAI’s lack of dispute regarding the copying allegation. However, he contested OpenAI’s assertion of timing, arguing it’s not too late to claim infringement.

OpenAI also challenged the Times’ accusation of paying someone to hack its products, stating the allegations didn’t meet journalistic standards.

OpenAI claimed the Times extensively utilized ChatGPT, making tens of thousands of attempts to match Times content, suggesting it wasn’t hacking but rather utilizing OpenAI’s tools to search for evidence of copyright infringement.